Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'Banned' Thanksgiving Commercial from PETA

Like a lot of what PETA does, this ad gets in your face about eating turkey.  Should it have been banned from NBC though?

Chik-Fil-A Suing 'Eat More Kale' Guy

This is pretty absurd.  The Chik-Fil-A restaurant chain is going after a Vermont-based t-shirt maker for his design which includes the words, "Eat more kale," claiming that it violates their intellectual property - as seen in their ads which state, "Eat mor chikin." [sic]  I don't know what it more stupid, this lawsuit, or that they can have over 1,600 restaurant sites and have revenue of more than $3.5 billion selling such a vile product.  I hope they don't sue me for slander!

Source:  http://finance.yahoo.com/news/vt-artist-ill-fight-chick-141222247.html