Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fact-checking 'The Vegetarian Myth'

Several weeks ago I read a book review in Mother Earth News about a book called, "The Vegetarian Myth," by someone named Lierre Keith.  I did my own research about Keith at the time and realized quickly how unqualified she was to write about such a widespread myth or conspiracy, but I'll be the first to admit that this is only my opinion.  Keith however seems to take no hesitation at the swipes she takes at vegans and vegetarians.  At the time I read the Mother Earth Review (which could hardly be called impartial - even the title of the review is "The Truth about Vegetarianism") there were very few reviews available about the book  that were objective or critical.  However, there are several now that show how this book is filled with poor sources, anecdotal and unproven observations, and ultimately a completely unscientific investigation into the benefits vs. harms of being or not being a vegetarian.

Here are just a couple reviews that call into question Keith's sources and level of authority on this issue:

Ginny Messina - The Vegan R.D. -

A. Perri - Review -