Sunday, July 28, 2013

Vegan Potluck TODAY at Lakeview Park in Middleton

I've been to a few of these and they never disappoint.  Healthy and filling food that's good for animals as well as the environment, shared with great people.  All are welcome at this awesome potluck!  Starts at noon at Lakeview Park in Middleton!  See you there!


Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wisconsin Listeria 'craft' cheese outbreak results in miscarriage, death, hospitalizations

The Listeria contamination which resulted in a nationwide recall of Waterloo, Wisconsin-based Crave Brothers Farmstead craft cheeses do not appear to be causing further loss of life.  Earlier this month one person died, a pregnant mother had a miscarriage, and three others were hospitalized due to illness from Listeria bacteria traced to the 1,500 head dairy farm.


Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The tick that makes people allergic to red meat has made it to Wisconsin

The lone star tick is either, "close to established if not already established in the southern part of the state," according to an entomologist at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The tick carries bacteria which may make some people allergic to red meat. The bacteria can also cause a debilitating condition called human monocytic ehrlichiosis.


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

New study links fish oil supplements to cancer

The National Cancer Institute and researchers at Ohio State University have found that subjects with high levels of omega-3 supplements from fish oil had a 43% higher chance of developing prostate cancer than those with the lowest levels of this type of fatty acid.

Omega-3 fatty acids can be found in non-marine life, such as in flaxseed and walnuts.  There doesn't appear to be any risk of cancer from consuming these products.


Saturday, July 6, 2013

NYT: PETA under the spotlight for its euthanasia policy

The dilemma of whether to confine an abandoned, mistreated, or sick pet to a life of confinement in a cage or a cell, versus euthanasia is an impossible situation to be in as an animal lover.  There is no right answer.  I admire those who are working towards creating no-kill policies in animal shelters, but the reality will continue to be that there are millions of dogs and cats in shelters, and up to 4 million are put down every year.  I don't think this will change much until:
  1. breeders are put out of business
  2. animal mistreatment is taken more seriously
  3. spaying and neutering becomes compulsory
  4. people adopt instead of buy pets

Friday, July 5, 2013

American Institute for Cancer Research supports plant-based diets

A major cancer research organization has come out in support of plant-based diets in endorsing the documentary Forks Over Knives and the book The China Study.  The organization claims that one-third of cancers could be prevented through better diets, increased exercise, and through weight loss.

Check out the AICR's website:

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Wait, what? ZERO letters supporting DNR's wolf hunting plan?

Our lovely, politically appointed and sports and agriculture supported Natural Resources Board here in Wisconsin recently voted overwhelmingly to increase wolf hunting quotas in the state.  Their reason was that the public was behind it.

But guess what...?  No one supported it in a Department of Natural Resources poll.  Not one single letter came in support of raising wolf hunting quotas.

On the other hand, there were over 1,400 letters opposed.

This is in addition to a Humane Society of the United States poll showing 80% of the public is opposed to wolf hunting.

Meanwhile, hunting advocates simply say, well, gee... it's an emotional and controversial issue... and continue to support increasing hunting quotas without any evidence that the current wolf pack can sustain such a massive slaughter (there are only a few hundred wolves in the state, and hunters want to kill over 300 this coming season).

I call bullshit on this the 'Natural Resources' Board.  It is nothing but a rubber stamp for industries that thrive off of the status quo - killing, trapping, hounding, etc., not to mention all their friends who support animal based agriculture.


Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Dr. Zorba Paster mischaracterizes #vegans on #WPR show

Zorba Paster responded to a caller concerned about a family member who had taken up veganism like 'it was the holy grail.'  Dr. Paster responded by saying that, "Vegans tend to have an element of religiosity."  He may as well have called vegans a cult. I find this to be offensive, as well as incorrect.  Vegans, in my view, are the opposite of this... we use science and empiricism to make our decisions about the way we live.  Contrast that to the typical meat and dairy consumer who uses food as a ritual, eats it out of tradition rather than free choice, and finally, has blind faith that the animals are treated well before being killed or used and that it is justified because that's what we're supposed to think, rather that what we can know by using our own eyes and ears (not to mention our brains).  Listen to the 6/29/13 show at and let Dr. Paster know how you feel about his portrayal of us vegans as a group.

Vote NO!!! on @WillyStreetCoop referendum to expand meat and dairy offerings

If you are a member of the Willy St. Co-op in Madison, Wisconsin, I encourage you to vote NO on the referendum to expand meat and dairy offerings through a $4 million dollar expansion at the store.  You can see my reasons why in the letters below, as well as print off and send in your own ballot to the Co-op.  The deadline is 6 p.m. on July 16th, so please hurry!!!

My letter to the coop on June 25th:
With all due respect, I am concerned about the news release regarding the $4 million dollar expansion of Willy St. East.   
I am a proud owner and live just two blocks away.   
I dispute that an expanded meat and dairy section at our Co-Op is necessary.  While I do support the Co-Op's goal to buy from local producers that treat their animals well, it is a fact that animal-based agriculture is far less sustainable than plant foods.  Animal products require more fuel, more water, more land, and more energy to produce than food that is equally or more healthful.  These food sources also create more waste, and more dangerous to workers, and of course involve pain and suffering on the animals themselves.  
Additionally, dairy and meat products contain dangers that plants don't.  Red meat is carcinogenic, no matter how it is cooked.  Meat and dairy are known to lead to obesity and diabetes, which is at an epidemic level right now.  And I could go on and on.  Whole plant foods do not carry inherent risks like these.
I guess I would just ask whether the Co-op decision makers have considered this information, or if they disagree for some reason?  I urge them to reconsider expanding the meat and dairy sections at Willy East.  
I love the Co-Op, but as an 18-year long vegan who is committed to doing as much as possible to reduce my impact on the earth, I just don't think this is the right trend to be setting. 
The Co-op's response on July 1st:
Hi Dan, 
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, and for contributing your viewpoint on aspects of the remodel that weigh heavily for you.   
In regards to the meat and dairy section expansion, we have had many Owners who have requested an expanded meat section similar to Willy West.  Of course, we also have Owners like yourself (as well as myself) who do not eat meat and therefore would not benefit from such an expansion. 
Ultimately, there are a number of issues that the remodel hopes to address, and we are unclear as to what the final blueprints would be.  It is a challenge to make set plans when the original amount approved by Owners was $2 million, and the needs & wants list expands that cost quite a bit.  There are many other aspects of the remodel on the table though, well beyond meat and dairy expansion.   
What is important to note though is that, as a cooperative business owned by approximately 30,000 Owners, we constantly weigh conflicting interests.  We do our best to offer things that appeal to multiple diets and lifestyle choices.  Animal products will remain a huge tension and conflict with Owners; this is inevitable regardless of the remodel. There is unfortunately not an easy answer.  Yet, we are listening.  We continue to expand our vegan and vegetarian options based on Owner input, and will also attempt to expand our meat selection based on the same criteria.  There are other products, such as soy and gluten, that other Owners have strong feelings about as well.  There is no shortage of controversial ingredients, employment practices, and corporate interests in regards to food products.  I personally have very strong feelings in regards to labor conditions of those who grow, package, and prepare the food we sell, and also hope to reduce my impact on the earth. 
Somehow we still have to weigh and consider all of this, and try to make the best decisions as a cooperative.  We remain interested in your input, and appreciate your thoughts on this issue.
Dawn Matlak
Interim Director of Cooperative Services
My reply on July 1st:
Dear Dawn,
Thank you for your kind, intelligent, and personal note!  I admire what you all do, and encourage you to keep up the good work.  As a vegan activist I try to do all I can to tell other people what I know about the health, environmental, and ethical costs of meat and dairy.  
I do have to respect the choices of others, but I still want it to be an informed choice and not one that people take without being informed.  I am not sure that wanting something that Willy West has, just because they have it, passes what I would consider to be a critical and informed decision.  More like a gut decision if you ask me.  :)))) 
Best Regards,

Monday, July 1, 2013

Kaiser Permanente urges its physicians to promote plant-based diets

Kaiser Permanente, one of the United States' largest health care providers and insurers, as well as one of the most reputable sources on health research, has endorsed plant-based diets in an article shared with its over 14,000 doctors.
