Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reply to a Christian (@wdeaver) Reply to Eating Animals

I think it's pretty ironic that a Christian would write an article about how judgmental vegans are.  

I mean, seriously, what are you trying to prove?  That the living will of an all-powerful, all-good, supernatural being is possibly debatable by us mere mortals?

God forbid!  I mean, how can I ever dispute the infinite wisdom of the Bible - yes, the very same bible that provides us with an infinite variety of rules of behavior.  Thou shalt do this, and don't do that.  Yes, I get it.  The Bible knows all.

Which is why science and reason have no place in determining the health or well-being of anything, let alone the animals that God supposedly told someone that belong to us to dominate and subject to our every will.  Lord knows humans are good at determining what is just and right when it comes to killing.

Okay, okay, I digress.  But you see what I'm getting at?  Ethics and morals don't come from the Bible or from God.

Far be it from me to say exactly where values come from - that's territory rational people know that they can't claim.  But that's something you should know already, right?  You have a minor in philosophy after all.

We can have debates about this and that, but at the end of the day there's still such a thing as empiricism.  Ignoring science you risk living with blinders on, just as you say I might live with blinders on as an atheist.  But that is my choice, and you cannot choose to refute science and ethics.  I mean, you can, but you do so at the risk of writing really stupid things in newspapers owned by the billionaire founder of the Unification Church.

The bottom line is that even if your Bible-based arguments weren't ridiculous enough by themselves, you went a step further into fake journalism by suggesting animal rights has been on 'the radar' for 'a few years.'  Do you live in a cave?


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