Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wisconsin Senator Ron Johnson Response to Battery Cage Letter

I wrote Senator Ron Johnson recently urging him to support federal legislation banning battery cages for laying hens as well as gestation crates for sows.  His response:  This is something that should be left up to states and localities to deal with.

I'm reprinting his letter to me in full.  Note the typos and wording - it looks like it's written by a college student.

Thank you for taking the time to contact me regarding the treatment of animals. Animals are an important part of many people's lives and families. Animals often provide companionship and happiness to their owners. Trained dogs can provide services for people with disabilities, guard our homes and even perform heroic feats. 
I agree that we should work to protect animals from cruelty and animal safety efforts must be approached sensibly. I believe that private organizations and non-profits are in the best position to continue efforts to protect animal. Organizations such as the Humane Society of America and the American Society for the Prevention and Cruelty of Animals (ASPCA). should be applauded for their accomplishments In addition to private organizations and non-profits, I believe that state and local governments are best equipped to handle animal related issues, they are closest to each situation in addition to having flexibility to meet their community's needs. As animal issues come before the Senate floor regarding federal policy, I will certainly keep your views in mind. 
Thank you again for taking the time to share your thoughts. It is important for me to hear the views and concerns of the people I serve. Since taking office, I have received over 400,000 pieces of correspondence and have had over 180,000 participants in live forums and telephone town hall meetings. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can further assist you or your family. It is an honor representing you and the good people of Wisconsin in the U.S. Senate. 
Ron Johnson 
United States Senator

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